Ep 2 ‘Turning the Tables’ Making a Murderer Recap

Press play to listen to the podcast recap: http://traffic.libsyn.com/unscriptedpodcast/MMEP2.mp3

Full blog post:

Before reading this please know that anytime I make light or seem like I am joking, it is because it is a coping mechanism. This story is extremely tragic and I in no way find humor in the situation. I do, however, find certain things to be very ironic and comical in the sense that our intelligence is being insulted.

To read all of the ‘Making a Murderer’ recaps, click here.

Quick thoughts:
I am going to say this because I know I am not the only one thinking it… The shit they did to Steven Avery is so interesting to me not because it shows just how fucked up and corrupt the justice system is, we already knew that. To know this, all one simply has to do is turn on the news or You Tube to see the latest use of excessive force on Black people in America. From Tamir Rice to Eric Garner to Sandra Bland, the list goes on and on and on. But sadly, it doesn’t surprise me. It has been going on for decades.  All of my life I have seen the war on black people. It takes different names and shapes, but it’s still the same battle. From oppression, to segregation, to mass incarceration…it’s always something. But this Steven Avery case is different because now it’s bringing the savageness and corruption to the mainstream and it’s showing it being used on one of them. A white man. The demographic that we all have been told for centuries are the ones that rule the world. It’s also a case where we get further proof that it’s not only about race, but class. We see how people in positions of power in the government get to go above the law and not receive any repercussions. I wonder if this will help some people to better understand just what the black community has been saying for a long time. Or will they see this as an isolated incident and fool themselves into believing that shit like this doesn’t happen often?

When I first watched episode 1, I noticed the lack of diversity in Manitowoc County. For the most part, everyone is white. In situations like this, where everyone looks the same, I have noticed that classism tends to be more prevalent. And this was absolutely the case for the Avery’s. They were the “white trash” of Manitiwoc, the way black people would be the “niggers” or “coloreds” in towns like this. They were the minority, at least that’s what the town folks thought. The undesirables. This automatically put them under a microscope, and probably attributed to any issues that they had. If they never felt like part of the community, why would they ever try to fit in, or socialize? The seclusion was probably a defense mechanism. Also, this could be a load of shit that I am making up, and my whole incest theory could be true or maybe they just are different.  Either way, there is an argument that they were targeted because they did not fit in.

Also…has anyone besides me noticed how the theme music eerily sounds like Game of Thrones???? Nobody??

Ok here’s the recap…

I am watching this as I type so keep that in mind when you read this post. At times my thoughts may seem incoherent, and they probably are, but it is due to the fact that I am doing a blog post similar to live tweeting.

It’s only episode 2 out of 10, so I am not expecting much in the way of hope. In this episode, we get a glimpse into what Steven was doing from the time he was released to the apparent murder charge we heard about at the end of episode 1.

I hate cliff hangers, that is why I love Netflix.

So now Steven is out. Living his life. Falling in love. Trying to get justice through his lawsuit. Also, he was working with state legislator Mark Gundrum, founder of the Avery Project. Gondrum pushed to get Steven $450,000 compensation from the State of Wisconsin for his wrongful imprisonment up from the $25,000 that was mandated. The Avery Task force also worked towards criminal justice reform. Steven also met with Patty Beernsten face to face and she apologized to him. He embraced her, and told her that “It’s ok. It’s over.”

I know, I know. I set myself up for disappointment, but I am a hopeless romantic.

And here is more of the deposition of Judy Dvorak the bitchy Deputy from episode 1. She of course doesn’t remember and her lawyer keeps try to tell her what to say. I must note again how awful her hair and skin look. The years have not been nice to her, probably because she’s had to deal with putting an innocent man behind bars just because of her prejudice toward him. The rate of ridiculousness in this is so frustrating.

Judy Dvorak…in my mind

Flash back to the deposition of “sketch artist” at the time, Chief Deputy Eugene Kusche, who also is no longer employed with the county, and he is really trying to sell it that this composite sketch is legit. He makes the remark “I don’t take what’s in the paper as gospel truth.” Then says, “Where did the evidence come from?” in reference to DNA evidence being fabricated. This fat fuck really pissed me off all over again. I hope we don’t see him again.

Eugene Kusche…in my mind

In October 2005 Steven was about to be awarded his $450,000 from Wisconsin. At this point, his civil rights lawyers were still pursuing the $36,000,000 lawsuit. The $450,000 would give Steven enough money to be able to stay in the lawsuit and survive in the meantime.

During this time Jodi, Steven’s fiance, gets arrested for a DUI.

The lawyers discover that 10 years into Steven’s sentence, Sergeant Andrew Colborn received a phone call from a Brown County detective that said he has someone in custody that is responsible for a crime that someone else is in prison for. Colborn never reported this and if her did, there is no paper trail of evidence of that. WHAT. THE. ENTIRE. FUCK??? 8 years later, after Steven got out, Colborn told his superior officer about the phone call, Lenk. AND HE DOESN’T RECALL TELLING ANYONE ELSE!!! It’s possible, but he can’t recall. REALLY??????? They then go contact Sheriff Peterson. The Sheriff then puts the report that Colborn made into a gawt damned safe. A. Safe. So instead of getting out after 10 years, Steven gets out after 18.

Doug Jones Asst DA had a convo with Eugene Kusche, the fat fuck that made the sketch, that implies Kusche knew about the wrongful conviction in 95 or 96. And of course, he cannot seem to recall the conversation either.

Hmmmmmm let me get this shit straight, you can recall every fucking detail of how you got that sketch, but you cannot remember something as important as you knowing good and gawt damn well that there was some fuck shit going on in the Sheriff’s office???????

How Sway???

So now we are learning that the insurance policies for Manitowoc County and the sheriff and DA…Kokourek, and Vogel won’t cover the bill if Avery wins his case. That means the County, the  former sheriff, and the former  DA will be responsible for the $36,000,000. WOAH.

That’s a lot of bread. Especially for a place that I have never heard of before. And how in the hell would any of them begin to pay that? Would they just extend Avery Road and rename Manitowoc Avery County? How does that work. I am not an investigator, but I watch a lot on tv, and I am pretty sure that the powers that be are not happy about this at all!

Here comes the bullshit…

Stephen Green gets a call from Walt, the other civil rights lawyer saying that a reporter is asking if he knows anything about the intersection in the lives of Steven Avery and Teresa Halbach. Who???

Teresa Halbach was a 25 year old  professional photographer for Auto Trader. Steven had an appointment with Teresa at 2pm on October 31, 2005 to photograph one of his cars. This was not Teresa’a frist time on the Avery property, as Steven had listed other cars with her before. She went missing after that time and Steven becomes the main suspect in what turns into a homicide investigation.

How coincidental is this? All of these secrets start to come out about the mishandling of the Avery trial within the department and on top of that a pending $36,000,000 lawsuit is looming and this lady just so happens to be missing…after meeting with Avery.

Come. On. This cannot be real!

Surely the timelines are made to look this close and suspicious, right? I rewind just to make sure.

Nope. This is exactly the time frames in which all of this happens.
October 11, 2005 Lenk and Sandy Morris are deposed.
October 13, 2005 Sgt Colborn, Judy Dvorak, and Sheriff Peterson are deposed.
October 26, 2005 Eugene Kusche is deposed.
October 31, 2005 Teresa Halbach is last seen.
November 1, 2005 The Avery Bill passes the state legislature.
November 3, 2005 Teresa Halbach is reported missing.

The police do an aerial investigation on the Avery property looking for the car. A salvage yard. What an obvious place to hide a car, right? If Avery did this why in the hell would he hide the car on his own property?? I mean, I know the guy is not that quick, but he doesn’t appear to be that dumb either. As I sit here waiting for them to find this car, something tells me they are going to find it somewhere on this property. It’s just way too obvious.

Here we go. A lady just found a RAV 4 and gives the dispatcher the VIN number but doesn’t want to say where she is until the dispatcher confirms that this is the car. Duh! Of course it’s the car. But where is the body?? The Columet police department is handling the investigation and are not calling Steven a suspect yet. A news reporter just asks Steven if he thinks his brothers had anything to do with this, Steven says no. But he also points out that anyone has access to their road. It is a 40 acre lot, how in the fuck is he supposed to know who is on it 100% of the time?? At this point, I’m wondering why the fuck Steven’s lawyers never advised him and his family to get the fuck outta dodge while this was lawsuit was pending.

Enter Ken Kratz. I don’t like him already and he hasn’t even said much. He just seems smarmy to me. Like he may or may not have animal porn stashed away on Hello Kitty jump drive that he keeps in his basement. He is there in the capacity of a special prosecutor called in by the DA Roeher. Even though he’s brought in so there is no appearance of conflict, he appears to already know that there will be a guilty verdict.

Avery knew that they would be investigating his home. You mean to tell me he left evidence just laying around the house from October 31st through November the 4th?? And the only thing he could think to do was hide the car in the back of the damn salvage yard? If they find anything, I am automatically going to think it’s a set up. I don’t care. Unless Jesus or Teresa Halbach tells me otherwise, this whole thing is a fucking sham.

Now Steven is crying and then they flash to a vigil for Teresa. Her brother is weird to me. I don’t know why.

Annnndd they have found human remains on the property along with her keys in Steven’s bedroom.  Big surprise. It has now been classified as a homicide investigation, and Sheriff  Pagel and Kratz make a point to say there is only 1 victim in this case. Ha!

Now they have Steven in custody. I am sitting here watching this interrogation in utter disbelief. Weiger and Fassbender aka Dick and Douche. They are asking all of these obvious questions that can easily be answered by a simple answer “…because I have been framed.”

This Kratz dude is a fucking asshole. I do not like him all. He is acting like it so far fetched that Avery could have framed after everything that has culminated. He is entirely too sure of himself and quick to call the speculation ridiculous. Is it though??

Let’s  look at what we’ve learned so far:

  • Steven Avery was convicted of an assault and rape that he did not commit because some folks in the sheriff’s department did not like him or his family.
  • These same people, the people that are sworn to protect serve, and uphold the law also knew that other people knew of Avery’s innocence and STILL said nothing and let him rot in prison.
  • Once Avery is finally exonerated by DNA, there is a push to investigate the county and all of it’s cases and officials PLUS there is  pending $36,000,000 law suit and $450,000 that the state is going to pay out because of this massive fuck up.

The worst  thing we know about Steven is that he possibly set a cat on fire back when he was 20, and while that may be the beginnings of a murder career, he has never done anything like this or even close to this since. From what we know, he didn’t even get into trouble in prison where he sat for 18 years never admitting guilt. It can be said that someone smart enough not to admit guilt could be smart enough play dumb, no? Think about it… he knew not to say that he did it, because he understood just how serious the charges were. Now, he can use what happened in his past as a story to make him look innocent, “look guys they’re trying to frame me again!” But I don’t buy that. Someone smart enough to know that you have a sympathy card should be smart enough to know to dispose of evidence, no? Master manipulators are usually very calculated, this was very sloppy and fucking obvious. It was not planned by someone who knows how to use people.




Unscripted Black Girl Nerds Bonus Episode

Major fan girling happens on this bonus episode where Lish and Lindsey get to hang out with special guest Jamie Broadnax creator of BlackGirlNerds.com!!!

Listen while we discuss Diversity in Hollywood pertaining to awards, marketing, and merchandising. We also discuss opportunities for culture creators like Jamie and others to get coins from their fan engagement and buzz worthy content about different tv shows and movies.

Ever had a tweet used in a publication without your permission? Ever see a hash tag you created on a t shirt? Yep, we discuss that too!

We had such a great conversation with Jamie and are very greatful that she took the time out to be on the show!

Please make sure that you check out Black Girl Nerds podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud and also check out her amazing content by her and other Black Girl Nerds on blackgirlnerds.com

As always, thank you, thank you, thank you for downloading, supporting, and listening! We truly appreciate it!

To read the Making a Murderer recaps go to: Unscriptedcast.wordpress.com

Connect with us, we’d love to hear from you!

Remember if you’d like to be a contestant on Unscripted Trivia Cast and have a chance to hang out  on the show, email us!

Lish: @Alyssia2777

Lindsey: @Ms_CocoaCarter


Please follow us on Twitter @Unscriptedcast

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You can also leave us a review on iTunes


Ep 22 Unscripted Fiasco

Lish, Lindsey, and Jo with special guest LJ the Fiasco from 35th & KY kick it at the trap and discuss current events such as #FreeBabyFreeBandz, Tyga on the prowl for fresh meat, El Chapo getting caught, GOOD Music Fridays, Making a Murderer ep 2 and 3, and much more! Jo even spits BARZ
Also, check out this great recipe for an Apple Pie cocktail by our resident bartender, Lindsey. It is so good!!
Apple Pie Cocktail
Here is a nice fall/winter recipe that you can drink either hot or served chilled. I never had a name for the drink until I made one for Lish before recording the podcast and she told me it tasted like an Apple Pie. It’s sweet, tart, with a bit of spice to it which I think anyone would enjoy.

Here is the recipe for the Apple Pie Cocktail * 1 serving
1 shot of Fireball Cinnamon Whisky
½ Teaspoon of honey*
¼ cup of Apple Cider
¼ cup of Ginger Ale

*I like to thin out the honey first by warming it up in the microwave for it to blend in well with the rest of the ingredients

In a cocktail shaker filled halfway with ice, add the Whiskey, Apple Cider, honey, and Ginger Ale. Shake the shaker for 10 seconds. BEFORE serving over ice PLEASE let it rest for a few seconds so that the drink doesn’t go everywhere, due to the Ginger ale. After a few seconds of rest, serve over some ice and ENJOY!!!

Special shout out to the rest of the Trap Starz

The Why Not Podcast

35th & KY Podcast

Bout Time Podcast

Potluck Podcast

As always, thank you, thank you, thank you for downloading, supporting, and listening! We truly appreciate it!

Have you started watching Making a Murderer yet? If yes, what are your thoughts? If no, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????

Check out the blog where Lish live blogs as she watches…it’s pretty great if we say so ourselves:)

To read the Making a Murderer recaps go to: Unscriptedcast.wordpress.com

Making a Murderer Ep 1 recap

Making a Murderer Ep 2 recap

Making a Murderer Ep 3 recap

Making a Murderer Ep 4 recap

Making a Murderer Ep 5 recap

Making a Murderer Ep 6 recap

There will be more added as she continues the series.

Connect with us, we’d love to hear from you!

Remember if you’d like to be a contestant on Unscripted Trivia Cast and have a chance to hang out  on the show, email us!

Lish: @Alyssia2777

Lindsey: @Ms_CocoaCarter

Jonica: @Jonica_lovesu_bb

Please follow us on Twitter @Unscriptedcast

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Find us on Facebook
Follow us and listen on Stitcher
NEW!! Find us on ACAST
Coming soon to Google Play
You can also leave us a review on iTunes


‘Making a Murderer’ Ep 2 Recap

Before reading this please know that anytime I make light or seem like I am joking, it is because it is a coping mechanism. This story is extremely tragic and I in no way find humor in the situation. I do, however, find certain things to be very ironic and comical in the sense that our intelligence is being insulted.

To read all of the ‘Making a Murderer’ recaps, click here.

Quick thoughts:
I am going to say this because I know I am not the only one thinking it… The shit they did to Steven Avery is so interesting to me not because it shows just how fucked up and corrupt the justice system is, we already knew that. To know this, all one simply has to do is turn on the news or You Tube to see the latest use of excessive force on Black people in America. From Tamir Rice to Eric Garner to Sandra Bland, the list goes on and on and on. But sadly, it doesn’t surprise me. It has been going on for decades.  All of my life I have seen the war on black people. It takes different names and shapes, but it’s still the same battle. From oppression, to segregation, to mass incarceration…it’s always something. But this Steven Avery case is different because now it’s bringing the savageness and corruption to the mainstream and it’s showing it being used on one of them. A white man. The demographic that we all have been told for centuries are the ones that rule the world. It’s also a case where we get further proof that it’s not only about race, but class. We see how people in positions of power in the government get to go above the law and not receive any repercussions. I wonder if this will help some people to better understand just what the black community has been saying for a long time. Or will they see this as an isolated incident and fool themselves into believing that shit like this doesn’t happen often?

When I first watched episode 1, I noticed the lack of diversity in Manitowoc County. For the most part, everyone is white. In situations like this, where everyone looks the same, I have noticed that classism tends to be more prevalent. And this was absolutely the case for the Avery’s. They were the “white trash” of Manitiwoc, the way black people would be the “niggers” or “coloreds” in towns like this. They were the minority, at least that’s what the town folks thought. The undesirables. This automatically put them under a microscope, and probably attributed to any issues that they had. If they never felt like part of the community, why would they ever try to fit in, or socialize? The seclusion was probably a defense mechanism. Also, this could be a load of shit that I am making up, and my whole incest theory could be true or maybe they just are different.  Either way, there is an argument that they were targeted because they did not fit in.

Also…has anyone besides me noticed how the theme music eerily sounds like Game of Thrones???? Nobody??

Ok here’s the recap…

I am watching this as I type so keep that in mind when you read this post. At times my thoughts may seem incoherent, and they probably are, but it is due to the fact that I am doing a blog post similar to live tweeting.

It’s only episode 2 out of 10, so I am not expecting much in the way of hope. In this episode, we get a glimpse into what Steven was doing from the time he was released to the apparent murder charge we heard about at the end of episode 1.

I hate cliff hangers, that is why I love Netflix.

So now Steven is out. Living his life. Falling in love. Trying to get justice through his lawsuit. Also, he was working with state legislator Mark Gundrum, founder of the Avery Project. Gondrum pushed to get Steven $450,000 compensation from the State of Wisconsin for his wrongful imprisonment up from the $25,000 that was mandated. The Avery Task force also worked towards criminal justice reform. Steven also met with Patty Beernsten face to face and she apologized to him. He embraced her, and told her that “It’s ok. It’s over.”

I know, I know. I set myself up for disappointment, but I am a hopeless romantic.

And here is more of the deposition of Judy Dvorak the bitchy Deputy from episode 1. She of course doesn’t remember and her lawyer keeps try to tell her what to say. I must note again how awful her hair and skin look. The years have not been nice to her, probably because she’s had to deal with putting an innocent man behind bars just because of her prejudice toward him. The rate of ridiculousness in this is so frustrating.

Judy Dvorak…in my mind

Flash back to the deposition of “sketch artist” at the time, Chief Deputy Eugene Kusche, who also is no longer employed with the county, and he is really trying to sell it that this composite sketch is legit. He makes the remark “I don’t take what’s in the paper as gospel truth.” Then says, “Where did the evidence come from?” in reference to DNA evidence being fabricated. This fat fuck really pissed me off all over again. I hope we don’t see him again.

Eugene Kusche…in my mind

In October 2005 Steven was about to be awarded his $450,000 from Wisconsin. At this point, his civil rights lawyers were still pursuing the $36,000,000 lawsuit. The $450,000 would give Steven enough money to be able to stay in the lawsuit and survive in the meantime.

During this time Jodi, Steven’s fiance, gets arrested for a DUI.

The lawyers discover that 10 years into Steven’s sentence, Sergeant Andrew Colborn received a phone call from a Brown County detective that said he has someone in custody that is responsible for a crime that someone else is in prison for. Colborn never reported this and if her did, there is no paper trail of evidence of that. WHAT. THE. ENTIRE. FUCK??? 8 years later, after Steven got out, Colborn told his superior officer about the phone call, Lenk. AND HE DOESN’T RECALL TELLING ANYONE ELSE!!! It’s possible, but he can’t recall. REALLY??????? They then go contact Sheriff Peterson. The Sheriff then puts the report that Colborn made into a gawt damned safe. A. Safe. So instead of getting out after 10 years, Steven gets out after 18.

Doug Jones Asst DA had a convo with Eugene Kusche, the fat fuck that made the sketch, that implies Kusche knew about the wrongful conviction in 95 or 96. And of course, he cannot seem to recall the conversation either.

Hmmmmmm let me get this shit straight, you can recall every fucking detail of how you got that sketch, but you cannot remember something as important as you knowing good and gawt damn well that there was some fuck shit going on in the Sheriff’s office???????

How Sway???

So now we are learning that the insurance policies for Manitowoc County and the sheriff and DA…Kokourek, and Vogel won’t cover the bill if Avery wins his case. That means the County, the  former sheriff, and the former  DA will be responsible for the $36,000,000. WOAH.

That’s a lot of bread. Especially for a place that I have never heard of before. And how in the hell would any of them begin to pay that? Would they just extend Avery Road and rename Manitowoc Avery County? How does that work. I am not an investigator, but I watch a lot on tv, and I am pretty sure that the powers that be are not happy about this at all!

Here comes the bullshit…

Stephen Green gets a call from Walt, the other civil rights lawyer saying that a reporter is asking if he knows anything about the intersection in the lives of Steven Avery and Teresa Halbach. Who???

Teresa Halbach was a 25 year old  professional photographer for Auto Trader. Steven had an appointment with Teresa at 2pm on October 31, 2005 to photograph one of his cars. This was not Teresa’a frist time on the Avery property, as Steven had listed other cars with her before. She went missing after that time and Steven becomes the main suspect in what turns into a homicide investigation.

How coincidental is this? All of these secrets start to come out about the mishandling of the Avery trial within the department and on top of that a pending $36,000,000 lawsuit is looming and this lady just so happens to be missing…after meeting with Avery.

Come. On. This cannot be real!

Surely the timelines are made to look this close and suspicious, right? I rewind just to make sure.

Nope. This is exactly the time frames in which all of this happens.
October 11, 2005 Lenk and Sandy Morris are deposed.
October 13, 2005 Sgt Colborn, Judy Dvorak, and Sheriff Peterson are deposed.
October 26, 2005 Eugene Kusche is deposed.
October 31, 2005 Teresa Halbach is last seen.
November 1, 2005 The Avery Bill passes the state legislature.
November 3, 2005 Teresa Halbach is reported missing.

The police do an aerial investigation on the Avery property looking for the car. A salvage yard. What an obvious place to hide a car, right? If Avery did this why in the hell would he hide the car on his own property?? I mean, I know the guy is not that quick, but he doesn’t appear to be that dumb either. As I sit here waiting for them to find this car, something tells me they are going to find it somewhere on this property. It’s just way too obvious.

Here we go. A lady just found a RAV 4 and gives the dispatcher the VIN number but doesn’t want to say where she is until the dispatcher confirms that this is the car. Duh! Of course it’s the car. But where is the body?? The Columet police department is handling the investigation and are not calling Steven a suspect yet. A news reporter just asks Steven if he thinks his brothers had anything to do with this, Steven says no. But he also points out that anyone has access to their road. It is a 40 acre lot, how in the fuck is he supposed to know who is on it 100% of the time?? At this point, I’m wondering why the fuck Steven’s lawyers never advised him and his family to get the fuck outta dodge while this was lawsuit was pending.

Enter Ken Kratz. I don’t like him already and he hasn’t even said much. He just seems smarmy to me. Like he may or may not have animal porn stashed away on Hello Kitty jump drive that he keeps in his basement. He is there in the capacity of a special prosecutor called in by the DA Roeher. Even though he’s brought in so there is no appearance of conflict, he appears to already know that there will be a guilty verdict.

Avery knew that they would be investigating his home. You mean to tell me he left evidence just laying around the house from October 31st through November the 4th?? And the only thing he could think to do was hide the car in the back of the damn salvage yard? If they find anything, I am automatically going to think it’s a set up. I don’t care. Unless Jesus or Teresa Halbach tells me otherwise, this whole thing is a fucking sham.

Now Steven is crying and then they flash to a vigil for Teresa. Her brother is weird to me. I don’t know why.

Annnndd they have found human remains on the property along with her keys in Steven’s bedroom.  Big surprise. It has now been classified as a homicide investigation, and Sheriff  Pagel and Kratz make a point to say there is only 1 victim in this case. Ha!

Now they have Steven in custody. I am sitting here watching this interrogation in utter disbelief. Weiger and Fassbender aka Dick and Douche. They are asking all of these obvious questions that can easily be answered by a simple answer “…because I have been framed.”

This Kratz dude is a fucking asshole. I do not like him all. He is acting like it so far fetched that Avery could have framed after everything that has culminated. He is entirely too sure of himself and quick to call the speculation ridiculous. Is it though??

Let’s  look at what we’ve learned so far:

  • Steven Avery was convicted of an assault and rape that he did not commit because some folks in the sheriff’s department did not like him or his family.
  • These same people, the people that are sworn to protect serve, and uphold the law also knew that other people knew of Avery’s innocence and STILL said nothing and let him rot in prison.
  • Once Avery is finally exonerated by DNA, there is a push to investigate the county and all of it’s cases and officials PLUS there is  pending $36,000,000 law suit and $450,000 that the state is going to pay out because of this massive fuck up.

The worst  thing we know about Steven is that he possibly set a cat on fire back when he was 20, and while that may be the beginnings of a murder career, he has never done anything like this or even close to this since. From what we know, he didn’t even get into trouble in prison where he sat for 18 years never admitting guilt. It can be said that someone smart enough not to admit guilt could be smart enough play dumb, no? Think about it… he knew not to say that he did it, because he understood just how serious the charges were. Now, he can use what happened in his past as a story to make him look innocent, “look guys they’re trying to frame me again!” But I don’t buy that. Someone smart enough to know that you have a sympathy card should be smart enough to know to dispose of evidence, no? Master manipulators are usually very calculated, this was very sloppy and fucking obvious. It was not planned by someone who knows how to use people.




Black Peeples Awards 2015


WARNING!! This episode was created while Lish and Lindsey were both tired, sleepy, hopped up on sugar, and possibly drunk. The explicit language is strong and if you cannot handle us at our Ms Colombia, you don’t deserve us at our Ms Philippines.

Please proceed with caution… 🙂

Welcome to the first annual Unscripted Black Peeples Awards where we showcase some of the best…and worst of the best of the class of 2015.

Categories include:

  • The Woody Allen Award
  • Umbrella Ella Ella Ay Ay Ay Award
  • This N–ga Here! Award
  • The Sub Tweeter and Wolfer Award and many more
  • and more

We also discuss this year’s BPA recipients as well as some honorable mentions.

Click here to read the blog post with all of the categories

Who did we miss?

What category should have been included?

Are you still wearing braids with beads???

Hit us up! Slide in our DM’s!

Remember if you’d like to be a contestant on Unscripted Trivia Cast and have a chance to hang out  on the show, email us!

Lish: @Alyssia2777

Lindsey: @Ms_CocoaCarter

Please follow us on Twitter @Unscriptedcast

Follow us in WordPress
Find us on Facebook
Follow us and listen on Stitcher
NEW!! Find us on ACAST
Coming soon to Google Play
You can also leave us a review on iTunes




Black Peeples Awards 2015 Full post


Click here to listen to the podcast

Umbrella Ella Ella Ay Ay Ay Award- Shadiest people of 2015
50 Cent because he loves beef!
vs Vivica
vs Rick Ross
vs Diddy
vs Empire
vs his own child

Jackee Harry because she is the shadiest of the shady and doesn’t care.

The time she threw shade at Iggy
She threw shade at Keyshia Cole
She threw shade at Mya
She threw shade at Vivica, 50, yo mama, and your cousin too

Woody Allen Award -Most likely to be on To Catch a Predator

This Nigga Here! Award- Most likely to say something ignit

Because she’s inter inter continental
Because she won’t hire you, Laqueshandra
Because she isn’t here for Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill
Because everyone should be able to use the N word
Because she missed the original cast of The Wiz, THE MOVIE!

And so many more reasons, we just don’t have the time to document it all!

Most Like To Have Been Held Back in Homeroom
Tyrese Gibson

He can’t spell.
He cannot punctuate.
He cannot form a complete sentence.
He types in hash tags.

Pop Off Son Award- Most likely to get into an argument/brawl with their ex-husband/ex wife at your cousin’s wedding

Jennifer Lewis

Because she is everybody’s aunty in their heads.

That time she and Josh Gad cussed each other out… in her own voice

Samuel L Jackson
Because he wears Kangols and says ‘Mutherfucker’ like a muthafucking boss!

Sub Tweeter and Wolfer Awards- Most likely to be on social media sub tweeting and selling wolf tickets

Meek Mill
Azelia Banks

The Wilona Woods award- Best dressed woman of 2015


Because she’s the adorable girl next door that slays the red carpet..and she’s only 19!
See all of her looks here

The Dapper Donte Award- Best dressed manof 2015

Kanye West

Even though his clothing line looks like Jedi couture and he himself dresses like Count Dooku, he is nominated yet again for The Most Stylish Man of 2015. People love what they love…we guess.
Check out all of his looks here.

Honorable Mentions for Best Dressed Man
Will Smith

Best Undressed Award- Most likely to be setting Instagram thirst traps

The Game eaka Meat Print Papi

He’s corny as fuck and his hash tags are even worse….but that eggplant tho…


She’s always been the cute round the way girl, but as she’s grown up she has become a smoking hot babe! What was Nelly thinking????

Unscripted Triviacast Baylor the Great vs Arin

Annnd we’re back for another round of Unscripted Trivia with our awesome guests Baylor the Great and Arin!!!

Arin walked off with the Gold…block of government cheese as she won 10 to 7!

Congrats and thank you to both players for being on the show!

This week we discuss

  • The Force Awakens
  • Obama on NBC’s Running Wild With Bear Grylls
  • NWA’s Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction
  • 2015 Black Girl Magic
  • Hot Nigga Martin Shkreli
  • Gilbert Arenas
  • Shots fired in 2015
  • White Tears in 2015
  • Serena shitting on em as per usual
  • R Kelly Wants is sick of our shit
  • Poor Meek shall not inherit the Earth, just another L:(

Remember if you’d like to be a contestant and have a chance to hang out  on the show, email us!

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Ep 3 Unscripted Foodies


We are back for episode 3 of Unscripted Foodies!

Lish and Lindsey discuss their latest food excursions, what they’ve made and want to make for the holidays, and also a few holiday office potluck tips and things to avoid.

Also, we are still looking for guests for trivia on future episodes, and feedback is always welcome.

Thank you for listening to us and engaging with us, you all are truly appreciated!

Connect with us, we’d love to hear from you!

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Ep 19 Pour Out a Lil Liquor

It saddens us to announce that this will be Teddy’s last show with Unscripted Podcast. We wish him well on his next project.

In this episode Lish, Lindsey, Ayonna, Jo, Nikki, and Teddy discuss Michelle Obama’s hot 16 and other current events in urban pop culture. We also take a stroll down memory lane to discuss our favorite soundtracks.

Also, we are still looking for guests for trivia on future episodes, and feedback is always welcome.

Thank you for listening to us and engaging with us, you all are truly appreciated!

Connect with us, we’d love to hear from you!

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